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Community Reinvestment Act Public File

The Community Reinvestment Act Overview

Under the Federal Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) evaluates Tri Counties Bank’s record of helping to meet the credit needs of the communities we serve consistent with safe and sound banking practices. The FDIC takes Tri Counties Bank’s record into consideration when evaluating applications to add, relocate, or close branches and in applications for bank mergers or acquisitions.

Tri Counties Bank's Mission and CRA Philosophy

It is the Board’s goal to ensure that our CRA goals are in harmony with Tri Counties Bank’s mission statement:

“Tri Counties Bank exists for only one purpose: improving the financial success and well-being of our shareholders, customers, communities, and employees”

In accordance with this mission, Tri Counties Bank’s CRA philosophy embodies the following principles:

  • Tri Counties Bank is a responsible lender, and will make all loans, investments, and donations in accordance with safe and sound banking practices.
  • Tri Counties Bank strives to attract customers and businesses from throughout our assessment areas by prioritizing serving clients with local bankers and local decision making, backed by competitively priced deposit and lending products.
  • Tri Counties Bank recognizes that good customers and credit worthy borrowers come from all areas of Tri Counties Bank’s foot print, including low and moderate income and minority neighborhoods.
  • Tri Counties Bank recognizes that one of the best ways to understand the needs of customers in low and moderate income and minority areas within its assessment area is through local involvement and input from community-based organizations who promote affordable housing, small business development, economic development, pathways to home ownership, financial education, and higher education.