Remote Deposit Capture
Deposit Checks From Your Office
Make deposits when it is most convenient for you. Simply scan checks and transmit digital images to Tri Counties Bank for processing, helping your business save time and money.
Cash Vault
Simplify Cash Handling
Our cash logistics solutions are custom-tailored for businesses with significant currency and coin processing needs. Through a network of secure cash processing facilities, we can help you deposit your cash and checks, where they will be processed securely, reliably, and promptly.
Efficient Payment Processing
Help your business improve cash flow and accelerate accounts receivables processing and information reporting. This flexible service allows payments to be processed and credited to your account faster, with the imaging capabilities and prompt reporting you expect. Options include electronic data files, check images, paper reports, and the transmission of payment history directly to your accounts receivable software.
Smart Safe
Save Time and Reduce Risk
Smart Safe solutions allow cash-intensive businesses to streamline cash handling operations and accelerate funds availability, all while improving the security of your physical cash. Data is captured electronically, providing you with timely information for improving cash flow and funding. Improve productivity by eliminating deposit preparation and trips to a branch.
Get Started
Find out how we can support your business by connecting with a Treasury Management Officer.
Related Solutions
Analysis Business
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Processing Services
Faster funding & high security everywhere you do business - online, in-person, or mobile.
Small Business
Payment Solutions
A suite of Treasury
Management solutions for
small businesses.
Credit Cards
Choose a card that fits your business goals.