Our full-service banking philosophy includes specialized products and services designed for nonprofit organizations, along with a dedicated team of bankers who understand the intricacies of not-for-profit banking. It's all part of our commitment to providing exceptional service through a unique, come-to-you style of relationship banking built to last for years.
Customized Solutions
Tri Counties Bank creates customized solutions to support the daily banking needs of nonprofit organizations. As your financial partner, we will help you streamline your cash management, payables, receivables and information reporting processes through customized solutions, including:
Why choose Tri Counties Bank?
Customized Lending
Tri Counties Bank provides customized financing solutions that will support the short and long-term needs of nonprofit organizations.
Commitment to California Communities
Tri Counties Bank has a long history in investing in the financial success and well-being of our communities.
Financial Strength
Established in 1975, Tri Counties Bank is a community-based financial institution with almost $10 billion in assets and 50 years of financial stability and service to communities throughout California.
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