Debit Card Fraud Alerts Sent by Tri Counties Bank
As part of our dedication to providing exceptional service for individuals and businesses throughout California, we will help protect your debit card from unauthorized use by sending a text message to your mobile device if we see any suspicious activity on your Tri Counties Bank debit card.
Why and How You May Be Contacted
Contacting you quickly is vital to preventing debit card fraud. Using text messages to your mobile device is a convenient method to reach you fast. You may receive a text message on your mobile device asking you to either confirm or deny that you authorized a recent debit card transaction. Messages sent by Tri Counties Bank are sent from 20733.
How Do I Sign Up?
If we have your mobile device’s phone number as the primary number to contact you for your account(s), nothing more needs to be done. If you are not sure if we have your mobile phone number as your primary contact number please call 1-800-922-8742 or visit your local Tri Counties Bank Branch.
How does it Work?
When we suspect a debit card transaction might be unauthorized, we decline the transaction and place a “block” on your card. We then try to send a text message to your mobile device with the transaction amount, merchant name and other key information. The message will originate from a five-digit phone number. Here’s how to reply to the message:
If the transaction is valid, please reply with “YES” to confirm that you authorized the transaction. We will unblock your debit card and send you a confirmation text message. You may continue to use your debit card with confidence.
If you did not make the transaction or believe someone fraudulently used your card, reply with a “NO.” Your card will remain blocked, and you will receive a confirmation text message that you will be contacted. Please answer this important call.
To opt out of receiving these text messages, reply with “STOP”. If you choose this option without first validating the transaction with a “YES”, your debit card will remain blocked. Please call us immediately at 1-800-922-8742 .
Do not reply to the message with personal or confidential information.
Are there any Fees for this Service?
Tri Counties Bank does not charge any fees for the Debit Card Fraud Alert Service, however all other service fees apply. Please see the Consumer or Business Fee Schedule. Phone company/mobile carrier service fees may apply.
What Happens if I do not Reply to the Text Promptly?
If there is no response within about 15 minutes to a text message to your mobile device, we attempt to contact you on your primary phone or with an automated phone message, or email. If we do not receive a response from you either to the text or automated phone messages, a letter will be sent to you via U.S. mail.
What if the Bank does not have my Mobile Device Phone Number?
You will receive an automated phone message on the primary number we have on file for you or an email, alerting you about a potentially unauthorized transaction on your debit card. Email's will be from EnfactNotifications, using this email address: If we are unable to reach you by phone or email, a letter will be sent to you via U.S. mail.
Help Us Protect Your Account
Your best line of defense is ensuring we have your most up-to-date contact information; please let us know of any changes to your mobile phone number, email address, home telephone number or address as soon as possible by calling Tri Counties Bank at 1-800-922-8742, visiting your local Tri Counties Bank Branch, or sending the information via the Contact Form here on our website.
If you’ll be traveling internationally or outside of California, let us know ahead of time to avoid any unnecessary debit card declines during your travels.
Questions? Please call Tri Counties Bank at 1-800-922-8742 or visit your local Tri Counties Bank Branch.
ID Spoofing
Please take precautions before giving out any personal information over the phone.
Scam artists can fake a number on your caller ID system using a special device or phone application – and this scam even has a name, “ID spoofing.” These callers are criminals and may be “fishing” for personal financial information.
If you ever receive an unsolicited phone call from a caller identifying themselves as an employee of Tri Counties Bank, and you suspect the call is part of a scam, contact us at 1-800-922-8742 to talk with one of our authorized representatives.
We Protect Your Private Information
Maintaining the security of our customers’ private information is one of our top priorities. Tri Counties Bank will never initiate a call to you and ask you for your social security number, your account number or other personal information.
We discourage all consumers from providing personal information over the telephone (unless the nature of the call and the party that you are speaking to are clearly known to you). If there is any doubt in your mind, hang up immediately, and call Tri Counties Bank at 1-800-922-8742 to verify.